Monday, February 20, 2006

just one dirty thought

t'was almost 1:30 pm and i was in front of my pc sitting on my uncomfortable leather chair shifting from side to side as if i got hemorrhoids in my butt. actually i was in such a hurry to finish what i'm doing. mandatory meeting will start at 2:15 pm and i'm still here.

i jumped so quickly going to the bathroom to take a bath.i was pulling down my boxer shorts and my underwear when i notice something that i haven't seen for years(just joking)....a memorabilia from red roof in.

what the heck...i thought somebody was mad at me putting things in my bathroom. if somebody will see this they might think i was the one checking in to that place. well i think probably its just somebody funny enought or probably stupid enought to bring memorabilia from somewhere during the party.

well i don't care much as long as i won't see any condoms in my trashcan the next time the party will be held here....he he he


Blogger Ace said...

it is probably from your rentee. remember he was gone the whole day before the party? he didnt even attend susan's party earlier that day. hmmmmm.... i can smell somethin fishy.

btw, change your settings to allow anonymous comments.

7:48 AM  

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