Monday, March 06, 2006


anna: didto ka bala tindog para kapa cute ko maayo

been doing nothing for 2 days. no overtime available, no home care patient to visit, just finished attending jeryls party, didn't check any e-mail...just watching dvd, blogging and the best of all is sleeping. i think i hurt my back. didn't went to church yesterday either. but earlier today i accompanied a friend to see her eent doctor. got home at 1 pm and started fixing my flat tire. at 2 pm i set another appointment for my home care patients. i think i gonna be busy again this week.

ha ha ha...abi pag punch out na kamo!

3 pm i was so bored so i made a spag. been cooking for an hour and a half just to spit it out on my first hr hr.well i still ate it anyway. what can i do? then i went back on my pc trying to forget the big loss i had with stupid stock market earlier. anyway ari ang pics sang mga asongot sang menorah...

baw grabi nga buhok ba!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ka cute kay tito ace ah! hambalan ta na gid ka nga budlay mag hampang sa stock market hindi na madala sing basa sing libro...dapat may insider info ka na yah...hai na agyan ko na nah...tani gin bakal mo na lang na chocolates para sa akon...rhrhhrhrhrhhr

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ka cute kay tito ace ah! hambalan ta na gid ka nga budlay mag hampang sa stock market hindi na madala sing basa sing libro...dapat may insider info ka na yah...hai na agyan ko na nah...tani gin bakal mo na lang na chocolates para sa akon...rhrhhrhrhrhhr

11:24 PM

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:15 AM  

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