Thursday, April 26, 2007

life is a test

"God keeps His promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm, at the time you are put to the test, He will give you strenght to endure it, and so provide you with a way out." 1 corinthians 10:13

I was at the nurse's station talking to my fellow nurses when Evelyn called on the phone. She told me the story about this certain cena where she work. She said that she lend one of her book to this cena and the next day after that cena finished reading the book, she had an accident. She brought her car to the shop to be fixed but she needed one thousand dollars to get it fixed. She claimed that she don't have that much money at that time. she don't know what to do and it's hard for her to go to work as that was her only means of transportation.

Evelyn told her to pray and as she also claimed she did, two weeks have passed and there she is looking for Evelyn with alot of excitement. She told Evelyn that she received exactly one thousand dollars from the bank. The exact amount that she needed.

Probably we experienced the same thing in our life once in a while. If we have alot of problems, we sometimes think that God don't love us anymore. We kept on questioning Him why this things happened to us. What we don't know is that God will never give problems that we cannot solve. He is testing us and will always test us in order for us to realize that He love us. He is doing this in order for us to realize that He truly exist and put our heart back on Him.

We should have more faith in Him. If we trust Him, He will show us the way to solve our problem, and probably sooner than what you think. If we offer those problems to Him, dealing with problem may not be that difficult after all. Instead of us trying to solve our problems by our self, give it to God. Offer it to Him and believe that there is always a way out.

Few weeks ago, God had tested me. I was so down and it feels like it's the end of the world. I stopped in a parking area and tried to let it go. Before it happened, i was like anybody else who don't give much attention to God. I even mocked Him sometimes. So i got what i deserved.

I prayed so hard in that parking area and asked forgiveness for my sins. I told myself that i need to renew my faith. Everything was an eye opening for me. Not only that i was able to renew my faith, He also touched me. He showed me the way and give the ability to understand Him: to understand what the Bible is trying to tell us. It's getting clearer and clearer everyday and the more i understand the Bible, the more i have peace in me. Make your faith stronger and always trust in Him and everything will be alright.

God bless!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do praise you bro for such a wonderful realizations in life. God has His own ways of touching us . . . many times during the harsh and most difficult times wherein we are so weak and helpless. It is when we learn how to listen to his voice. It is when we feel His strength . . .and feel how much we are loved. Indeed putting Him at the center of your life will change you. . . a stronger and a better person. A person who is not afraid of pain and failure. A person who is ready to face a new challenge. I remember a Christian song entitiled, "The wounded healer." Christ is a wounded healer, and that is a challenge for you to follow Him. In the midst of all the pain that you have, don't deny yourself of the opportunity to serve Him by accepting the tasks that He is asking from you.

7:19 PM  

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