Tuesday, February 28, 2006

flat tire...

it was a crazy hour waking up at 10 pm. i was still dizzy when i jumped out of bed to take a shower. 10:40 pm i was at the gas station. still sleepy, i filled one tire with air. been running with one tire almost flat for a day or two. i lit my cigarrette and i noticed that it was filled with air faster than i thought. changing lane at 696 freeway made me wonder why my old conversion van doesn't run the way it supposed to be. i checked my tire when i was at the parking lot of menorah house and suddenly i cursed myself for filling up the wrong tire with air.

got game?guess who said this

1.she said:"no coaching!trabaho lang walang personalan"...5 points

2.she said:"daw mga ginakatlan kamo!"....5 points

3.she said:"I'll go ahead guys."...5 points

4.he said:"saan matatagpuan ang mayon volcano?" he answered:"taal"...5 points

5.he said:"nagpamember ako sa boybastos.com.2000 na ang nag view sang mga pics nga gin upload ko.".....10 points

6.she said:"sila ya gina career gid nila ya."...5 points

7.he said:"bihisan mo ang unggoy, unggoy pa rin"...5 points

8.she said:"akala niya lumabas ako sa kiki niya"...5 points

9.he said:"sabi ni mike..ai iba pala yong sa boarding house,mestisa pala yon!"...5 points

10.she said:"i'm too sexy for your body!i'm too sexy for your body!"...5 points

Sunday, February 26, 2006

denture adhesive

after passing my meds i went to my daily routine of going to the medroom, grab my toothbrush and my mouthwash. but today is not a regular day. Leano was outside and the call bell is ringing off the hook. i run out of toothpaste so i grab and opened the one issued by the facility.while brushing my teeth i tasted something different.i said"this doesn't taste like a toothpaste". i grab and rolled the tube in my hands and read the label....."efferdent...denture adhesive".

mocking the verse...

i'm really so sorry about this but it just crossed my mind. i was in 111-1 when i saw the writting posted on the wall in one of my resident.it says..."man could not live in bread alone" i was thinking that it was definitely right cause i myself needs some peanut butter in between two slices of wonder bread.cheese pimento namit man!

who's that girl?

i was at the party yesterday and lucky to be one of the godparent of julyn's second child.none of the other godparent i know except kirk.as usual i'm late again during the christening.one of my habit.then someone caught my eyes.she ain't that beautiful.just fair but i could say attractive.don't know her even her name although she's one of the god papent.i glanced at her once in a while trying to see if she's with somebody else, probably a husband or a boyfriend. apparantly not.she's with some of her friends.at the reception i was tempted to grab my camera and took a picture of her.

there's alot of chances that i could introduced myself yet i don't know why i always passed out the good things. she was behind me while i was getting my food, she was standing just a foot or two while we were eating and a lot more.i don't know why i just can't.super torpe gid guro ko.he he he.i went home not even knowing her name.ok lang basi may asawa naman to siya ya pero banta ko wala......whatever.....

heres some of the pics i've taken during the christening...

me,nang jo,julyn,rogeline and alex abegyl.

with anna and kirk.

mary and husband alex.

baw isa isa lang si nang jo gakaon ba!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

hit the lights!!!

i can't believed what i just did today.probably luck again as it happens already a few times. i made an unrealized gain of 400 from antp in only 2 days time and loss the same amount yesterday for just one day but what me feel lucky is the stock with the ticker symbol of eclp which i bought yesterday.the stock went up 2.50 dollars in just 2 minutes of trading so i sold it right away giving me a profit of 500 in just 2-3 minutes.now i can go to sleep early.i quess i got lucky everytime somebody dump me like a hot tamale.he he he...probably i need to keep on seeing more chicks and tell them to dump me so i will always be lucky with my trades...he he he...any referrals?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

3 trades all win

here's my trades for this month.first is emc with the same ticker symbol.this stock been consolodating forming a triangle since 2004. i'm not supposed to a buy a stock during consolidation yet i made a hit and run approach buying at support and selling at resistance.i noticed that the 3 moving average touched and my tsv going possitive side so i bought 400 shares at 13.48 and plan to sell it at 15 dollars .if my strategy is correct...now its on my side for a few days.

this one is a telecommunication equipment called phazar corp with the ticker symbol of antp. i bought 400 shares as the stock hits the support at 15.9 dollars. now the stock is trading at 17.40 and continue going up.

this is the last stock that i have which i sold just now.my technical analysis was 100% right with this stock but made only a few bucks in 2 weeks.bought 300 shares at 13.50 and sold it at 13.76. i just need to be careful a little bit cause most of the time i loss more than i win.

Monday, February 20, 2006

just one dirty thought

t'was almost 1:30 pm and i was in front of my pc sitting on my uncomfortable leather chair shifting from side to side as if i got hemorrhoids in my butt. actually i was in such a hurry to finish what i'm doing. mandatory meeting will start at 2:15 pm and i'm still here.

i jumped so quickly going to the bathroom to take a bath.i was pulling down my boxer shorts and my underwear when i notice something that i haven't seen for years(just joking)....a memorabilia from red roof in.

what the heck...i thought somebody was mad at me putting things in my bathroom. if somebody will see this they might think i was the one checking in to that place. well i think probably its just somebody funny enought or probably stupid enought to bring memorabilia from somewhere during the party.

well i don't care much as long as i won't see any condoms in my trashcan the next time the party will be held here....he he he

pics taken before valentine party

first time ko kita kay ace gapanghugas ba.abi ko di siya kabalo.

kinahanglan makita gid ang sapatos ni anna.

Myla:puede ni la-gaan itlog?

pics before christmas party

this picture was taken before our christmas party last december.ace,lissette,lisa and ramil fixing the christmas tree.

Friday, February 03, 2006

my untold story

it was a sunny afternoon in a late autum season when i found myself driving my old conversion van.thinking that this coming winter will be a colder one as i saw the forecast on tv that there will be 4-6 inches of snow on the day after next.

i hit my breaks as i saw the traffic light turn red just in front of me. a lot of cars passing hall road at these time of hour.reckon i should be more carefull. i can't afford an accident and be late on my date with her. i passed by hall rd and continue going north.looking on my right i found no car so i made a quick turn going east.

after a few turns i stop the car in front of her house. it was a quiet neighborhood.quieter than i thought earlier. i pushed the white doorbell as i opened the stormdoor in front of me. her mom opened the door and we exchange greetings. i look on my left and i saw her coming from the dining room.she's wearing jeans and a v-neck shirt with a red and blue color. just perfect for her fit.looking at her faded jeans i saw something that i'm sure for my self i know where she bought that pair of jeans. its an x2 from express.i know it because i have a pair myself which i usually wore.sometimes i would wear it for 2-3 times for just a few hours in a day without even washing it. just last week i remember that when i jump and started my old conversion van, i almost smell the dinner that i spilled on it just the night before.

i turned right on hall road going west and took the fast lane getting ready to make an island turn as we pass by the bq restaurant. i was driving with one hand using my left when i felt that she was holding my right hand. i gave her a smile as she smile back on me giving the gesture which i'm aleady used to when she want to express something. we were listening to a soft music that i gave her a week before. it was the songs that i composed for the filmichian. of course nobody would care to listen to it but me.

after the dinner at bq restaurant we went to the mall just near it. a lot of sale but we're planning to buy nothing. we entered the entrance and i saw a carousel on my right where kids loves to ride. i glance and give it a look and saw kids riding on it. i almost can feel their enjoyment as they laugh holding the bar in front of them.

i put my arms around her as she put her arms around my back. i could feel her warmness as we cross the food court just as we entered the entrance of the mall.
i kissed her on her forehead as i touch her long shiny hair.

looking on my right i saw mark, rose and baby michael. rose was smiling at us.i closed my eyes hoping that it was just my imagination. i opened my eyes slowly and i saw two LCD monitor in front of me. one monitor was my blog and the other monitor was a series of lines and bars jumping up and down like a kangaroo as buyers and sellers of DOW JONES and NASDAQ trying to determine who wins at the end of the day.Dow was down 98 points so sellers are winning. in front of two LCD monitor was scrathes of papers, bills and my two hand holding my wireless keyboard. this kind of moment i hate the most when i was in lala land and suddenly i comeback to reality.

if it happens to you would you hate it too? anyway i was just joking...he he he.if you happen to read this....thanks for reading anyway....

Thursday, February 02, 2006

i took this picture last year
from my backyard lawn.

another song

i still couldn't sleep so i laid tracks on my songs when i come up with another one.its about the lady i saw at victoria secret.of course not my intention to buy something in there. here's the lyrics...

i was at the mall one day
when i saw this beautiful lady
wearing jeans and black shirt
she's buying this tiny little skirt
i could not take my eyes off her
my heart speaks but i could't hear
been watching her i know she knows
i'm standing there don't know what to do
will you pls. look at me and smile
my heart beating fast for a while
when you stand besides me and look at me
my lips was sip don't know what to say
note:i'll finish this song some other time

3rd part of my dream

a friend called me on my cell which makes me jump out of my chair. i was scared i don't know why. probably too much thinking. after spending 15 minutes talking to her i found something odd. i looked at the time that i post "my dream" and it says 11:02am and i as i looked at the wall clocked in front of me, it was almost 2:30pm.probably the time wasn't adjusted to eastern time. it just makes me confused the first time i looked at it.

the 3rd part of my dream started when i was entering this big tunnel going to the airport.somehow it getting smaller and smaller until i found myself crawling. afraid of small spaces as i was and try to be in a hurry to catch up with the other, i tried to crawl faster. the tunnel was getting dark which now looks like a small cave. as i was crawling i turned right which at first i thought was the end of the tunnel. i was horrified with what i saw. a young lady which seems to be a nun was talking to an old women burried in a dirt. the lady who seems to be a nun laying down on her stomach and her right hand stretching across this old ladys shoulder. they were talking. it was so faint that i could barely hear what they were saying. i continued crawling and i was even more shocked to see this old lady almost like a zombie. i can't even recognized the face.but she was alive. the nun was tring to comfort her listening to this old ladys final wish. she choosed it to be that way. to lay there until her final hour. this is some sort of old practices where they want to stay in a grave before thier final hour.

i crawled even more faster and found another two older women lying next to each other. alive and too weak also waiting for their last hour. the man before me said 94 as he past by the old women also burried in dirt and in the their foot part was seems to be a small cave or probably a grave. when i crawled past by them i 95 but don't even know what it means. i exited the tunnel and when i was on my feet, i saw more old men and women lying and burried on the ground waitng for thier last minute. a woman seems to know whats going on or probably like a tour guide explained it to us. she said that this is a place where people choosed to die as accordance to their old practices. it was just a dream but comes to my mind was an old practices though this was only a dream. in their final hour they would choosed to be burried in this some kind of holy grave until they die. they don't eat, drink but just wait there. when you pass by them you have to recognise their wishes. when that man passed by them he was the 94th man and would also wish them to grant their wishes. i remember the smile of one of the old lady as the man says 94 as he crawled pass by her. as for me when i said 95 my eyes was on the other direction trying to avoid the image of this old lady.

i saw more and more as i walked at the end on the tunnel. looking from my left and my right, just plenty of them.they look like dead out of the grave. i thought i should not say anything but respect their practices and their wishes.

as we reach the end of the tunnel i saw bright light and alot of people. its more or like a festival. probably i think earlier of what cathy wrote me in her e-mail that she was preparing a dish for the festival.
a lot of people gathered around like that of nov.1 the way we celebrate that day going to the cemetery. i heared this woman on a loud megaphone requiring that each and everyone of us has to bring a bone. big or small as long as you bring one. if you didn't you have to go back in that tunnel and get one. i said to myself that i ain't gonna go back in there. i looked back at the tunnel and it was already dark and can't even see nothing from the mouth of the cave.
"hell no" isaid to this other fellow and we started to look for bones.human bones.but can't find nothing.everywhere nothing.that means we have no other choice but to go back to the cave. we tried to look and look but still couldn't find even a single teeth. i jump from these old structure and found a big giant bowl like where they supposed to the put the gathered bones. stepping away from it i bumped into this two ladies also looking for bones. to make this short i saw another cemetery from the other side of the hills but its across the boarder. it was already at the canada side. I persuade them to a get a bone just for us to get home but it was all unfruitful. we can't go home unless we give them a bone. then a man said unto us that we should not be afraid of going back to the cave and give those dying people a true wish that their wishes would be granted. if we do then we will certainly find a bone inside the. that is the only way.no other else.
after that i opened my eyes and woke up. isaid to myself"im not going back to that cave"

my dream

It was almost 8 when i went to bed and probably spent about 30 minutes of thinking. I woke at aroung 12pm can't imagine my dream if its going to be true.anyway its just like an old horror movie.my dream started with a happy ambience then getting get rough at the middle and ended with scary one that makes me stay out of my bed for a while.after a while its not that scary after all.
of course like other dreams the whole part of it is composed of different stories fused into one.it start with a different story and end up with another story.amazing ha.
well i dont know if i can still remember all of it as i'm writting this it get fuzzier. it started in a place something beautiful while doing a vacation.i remember i was complaining why do i need to be alone in a hotel room.the room was nice with fresh linen on it and it was neatly done.on my right was the closet full of hangers.i went to the closet and started arranging it neatly.
i went out to see my friends who went with me on this trip and found only one person.baby cel.she was sitting on a table with her beautiful long black hair as i almost see the change of colors as the sun reflects on it.i sat in front of her and we talked. i can see behind her was another building and behind that building is a beautiful beach.i can't remember what we talked about but all i remember is how we glance at each other.i looked at her again and again trying to see her eyes hidden behind her dark shades.baby cel all i think was she was mature,beautiful,innocent and with unshaken serenity.
the next thing i remember was we were walking on a dirt unpaved road with two other fellows.i could see rice plantation, hills and small mountain just a few miles from where we walk.i galnce to my left and i found out that the road is actually a bank,like a river bank,but closely it was like a big irrigation canal on a place where i grow up.the road was new and everytime i look around i almost can feel the calmness of nature.so refreshing especially that baby cel walks besides me and never leave on my side as i look at the rice plantation.i looked at the river and i saw an old friend just relaxing talking to an old felow.when i looked around i found out i was alone.baby cel was gone and the two fellows.there's a lesson in life that i've learned in this part of my dreams but i cant remember much anymore. something like my old friend is contented with his life in a remote place like this and don't need big city to live with and a lot of money.he would prefer walking in this beautiful place and do fishing with an old fellow.i looked around again and i agree to what he said as he talking to an old fellow as he watches the water flows.it was beautiful and relaxing that made me go to sleep in an unpaved road.but to my dismay i woke up with a fellow near my head in a squating position blocking the sunlight. it happened 3-4 times and i don't know what it means.
the second part of my dream was when i had a super power like fantasy 4.as we achieved a great victory from something we went back to a hotel on my first part of my dream.we were like friends.i went outside and i saw baby cel again smilling on a distance looking at me.when i went back to a hotel room with 3 other who possess a superpower everything had change. i found out that we were somthing like a love triangle.i express my love on this girl yet spend my time on this other one.the other woman whom i expressed my love was so frustrated that i spend time with this other woman.as i told her i don't give any meaning to it and she was just a friend to me.but this other woman was so inlove with me that we was willing to get me at any cost.half naked on bed with her on the top naked, i got up and walked away putting on my clothes and went to the lady whom i expressed my love but i didn't say a thing. she packed her clothes from the closet which i myself help her.she was leaving going somewhere on this another assignment. i grabbed the bag and pulled the roller and started walking outside the hotel.we were inside the building.the way it was constructed was so new to me.the first time i've seen that kind on architecture.it was like a mall.big stairways,high ceiling and post lamp on the side of a bench.i saw shoopers holding their kids as they go from stall to stall.i went with her as we walk on this big stairways when i remember my superpower like a torch on my hand.remembering that i could take a picture of me and post it in the internet.
as i wolked past the big stairway going to big tunnel like structure going to the airport thats were the third part of my dream started......

today i started my blog as my dream still hunt the horror in my mind.i cant sleep and can't go back to bed either.i still got a lot to do today and i need to sleep a little more, just a little to to refresh my mind again.this blog i've created hoping nobody would see in its early days.maybe someday but not at this time.i've created to post my thoughts,what i think,what i'm supposed to do and especially post my recent song. thank you